October 10, 2021
It’s Time to Shine
The time for commercial holiday lighting is now!
If you are reading this its already too late for custom commercial holiday
décor, but there are always some good potentials last minute fixes:
Ask your preferred lighting contractor if they can add any of the following:
- Accent Rooflines with LED lights to a shopping center
- Figure 1-2 days of fastening light clips, assembling bulbs and sockets
- 1-2 days for staging the lights and running sources to power
- Lighting statement trees to courtyards, food courts and monument
- Have trees pruned ASAP
- 2-4 days of staging lights
They can be left unplugged its ready to plug in November. We actually do
our shop assembly form February thru June and start staging lights the day
after Labor Day. This is the only way we can successfully light over 100
shopping centers and have them seemingly all turn on in the same week.
With most any determined effort there is always a way to squeeze in
another project if it drops in the month of October. Perhaps you have a great
landscaper, tree trimmer or electrician that could add some light just in time
for you? We order our container of lights early last year and actually keep a
healthy stock ready for contractors pulling in the last-minute projects.
Happy to help with any last-minute requests,
just don’t wait any longer by calling in November!
Stock is low and leadtimes are way out? Here’s some of the products we stock to rescue you from holiday blues:
- • G12 mini lights
- • 5 mm conical mini lights
- • C-7 & C-9 LED lights
- • Bulk Spools of string lights
- • Light clips
- • Cord
- • Specialized plugs for wet locations
- • ..and more!
- Call or check out our website for these products and more!
Expand your mind with these riveting, and kinda random, facts
- The most efficient lighting comes from fireflies! Almost all the energy from their chemical process generates light
- Humans are capable of seeing UV light, but the light is filtered out by our eye’s lens
- Light travels in a completely straight line, but when it hits and object it will bend
- The unit of time when light travel 1 cm in a vacuum is called a ‘jiffy’. See you then!