October 20, 2021
Building Wash
Even buildings need a bath. Get rid of unsightly grime with a power wash!
We use top notch cleaning solutions to get your outdoor surfaces squeaky clean!
Buildings have it rough! They endure the sun, the weather, wildlife, and us humans on a daily basis. One dare not imagine the kind of filth that would accumulate over time. Thankfully, buildings can get washed without damaging the surfaces, and with a lift there’s no such thing as a hard to reach place.
Bath Time Benefits
There’s more to gain than being clean! Regular washing can help with the following:
- Preserve your paint job and surfaces by preventing buildup of corrosive material
- Prevent growth of unsightly algae or potentially harmful mold
- Help prevent more serious problems like rust and water damage that would accumulate under humid, uncleared material
- Create a welcoming and pleasant environment for occupants
- Create a health safe environment for occupants by removing dust, pollen, and mold that can be harmful if left unchecked
- Costs less than painting
- You can get the roof tiles and windows done too!
Happy to make your building shine!
Call or email for a quote today